Saturday 13 June 2009

3 years, 36 months, 156 weeks, 1095 days, 26280 hours, 1576800 minutes

However you look at it, it's a looooong time. Almost 10% of my life so far.
That's how long it's been since I got on that jet plane and left Adelaide to see the world. 

1 year on from my last post I got that whole nostalgic feeling and thought it was about time I did another one of these, so here goes......

I've been asked a fair bit lately about how much longer I'm going to stay in London, mainly because quite a few of my friends have gone home lately, people who I've shared a large chunk of my overseas adventure with (when it gets to 3 years, is it still technically an "adventure"?), and also because my parents have been asking about it. I know for most people, parents asking when you're coming home is quite natural and probably would have occurred well before the 3 year mark, but let's just say my relationship with my folks is somewhat more dysfunctional. But I digest... a whole bunch of good people are heading back home, whether it be for visa reasons, loss of job reasons (damn credit crunch, GFC - whatever you want to call it), can't bear the thought of another English winter reasons, study reasons, growing up reasons or those who just know it's time. While it sucks majorly that inevitably most people go home, one of the best things about London is that you do have the opportunity to meet new people who hopefully go some way to fill the hole left by others. 
Also, it's a great place to come for a holiday and we've had loads of visitors. We have a super comfy couch and flights are cheap thanks to the credit crunch/GFC and swine flu so come and visit!

Since the last post, highlights have been:
  • Croatia - I can't stress how highly I recommend you go sailing around the Croatian islands - Hvar, Dubrovnik, Korcula, Mljet - they're all freakin awesome, or as Lou would put it "outraaaaaaaaaaaaaageous"
  • Krakow - anywhere is better with local knowledge, the Zakopane mountain region is a beautiful place to hike, even for 8 hours...
  • Liverpool - I got to stand in the Kop and sing-a-long with the locals
  • Adelaide - always a pleasure to go home (yes, I still call Radelaide "home"), especially when your best mate gets married to a girl that you proudly call a mate too
  • Malaga & Granada - fantastic food and a hit of sunshine before the English winter kicked in
  • Jersey - I tried to run a half marathon with absolutely minimal preparation and badly injured my foot at the 9 1/2 mile mark - still managed to finish in 2:30 which I was reasonably pleased with as I had to walk the last 3 1/2 miles
  • Moscow & St Petersburg - fascinating and incredibly different. The Cryllic alphabet threw me but luckily we had guides in Moscow and Liam & Lara's sketchy Russian to get us by in St Pete's
  • Cornwall - didn't really spend enough time there to explore properly but it's only 5 hrs drive so I'm sure I'll get back there - and we got to shoot shotguns - awesome!
  • Berlin - four days over Easter - awesome place full of contrasts, my second visit but the first time I could explore properly, definitely a place I would go back to
  • Brussels & Brugge - Brugge really isn't a shit hole, despite what Colin Farrell might think :-) Again, places I had visited before but got to explore better this time round and we drove out to a monastery to drink beer made with Holy Water - it was sacralicious...

So that's pretty much been my past year of travel and obviously there were other non-travel related highlights through the year but they mainly involved getting drunk. Thank Buddha for Facebook photo albums or else there's no way I would have remembered most of that...

I'm hoping to get to Lisbon in late July and am trying to organise a private charter cruise through the Greek Islands in early September so  give me a shout if you're interested and I can add you to the mailing list for it.

The sun is shining here in London town, I think the hangover from last night is fading and I have a BBQ to get to, so that's it from me for now.

Hope all is well with you, dear reader.

Hit me with stories of what you're up to.

PK :-)

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